27 May 1529 Blood Libel and Burning to Death of 30 Jews in Bazin, Hungary #otdimjh  


PÖSING or BÖSING (Hungarian, Bazin):

Small town in the county of Presburg, where on May 27, 1529 (Friday, Siwan 13), thirty Jews were burned to death on the accusation of having murdered a Christian child for ritual purposes. The charge was invented by the lord of the place, Franz, Count of St. Georgen and Pösing, who wished to rid himself of the debts which he owed to the Jews of Marchegg and Pösing. Isaac Mandel, prefect of the Hungarian Jews, demanded protection and justice at the hand of King Ferdinand I. for the Jews of both these places; but the feudal lord did not heed the king’s warning. The memor-book of the Cracow ḥebra ḳaddisha records the names of those who suffered death at this time. In order to witness the martyrdom the inhabitants of Neisse, Olmütz, and Vienna, as well as those of the neighboring cities, poured into Pösing. Among those who suffered was Moses b. Jacob Kohen, who with his children voluntarily cast himself into the flames. The Jews of Marchegg were saved, as in the meantime the missing child was found alive. [Jewish Encycolpedia]

For centuries after this event Jews were not permitted to live in Pösing, nor even to spend a night there. When a Pösing senator gave shelter to the Jew Lazar Hirsch, the excited populace besought King Leopold I. (1657-1705) to confirm their old right of prohibiting Jews from sojourning there. The king decided in favor of the town, and Lazar Hirsch was compelled to remove to the estate of the counts of Palffy.

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Reflection and Prayer: Tomorrow I will be in Budapest, where we will be addressing the issues affecting Jewish believers in Yeshua in Hungary today. The historical record is not good, and it is little wonder that anyone aware of such events will recoil in horror and shame. Father, forgive, and please renew in our days the love of Yeshua for his people Israel within the church. In your name we pray. Amen.


  • Wolf, in Leopold Rosenberg, Jahrbuch für die Israelitischen Cultusgemeinden in Ungarn, i. 263-273, Arad, 1860;
  • Büchler, A Zsidók Története Budapesten, p. 96, Budapest, 1901;
  • Kaufmann, in Monatsschrift, 1894, pp. 426-429;
  • Sokolow, in Ha-Asif, vi. 133;
  • Ain Erschrockenlich Geschicht, etc., ed. Büchler, in Magyar Zsidó Szemle, xi. 90.

CÍMSZÓ: Bazini vérvád

SZÓCIKK: Bazini vérvád. 1529 máj. 27., a magyar zsidóság történetének legtragikusabb napján, Bazin pozsony megyei város piacán harminc máglya tüze elhamvasztott ugyanannyi zsidót, korra és nemre való tekintet nélkül, a mesterségesen kieszelt és szított vérvádrágalom következtében. Wolf Ferenc, pozsony-szentgyörgyi és bazini gróf, aki a zsidóknál eladósodott, koholta ezt a vérvádat, hogy szabaduljon a bazini és marcheggi zsidók követeléseitől. Mendel Izsák, a magyarországi zsidóságnak a király által kinevezett prefektusa a közelgő veszedelem hírére I. Ferdinánd király védelmét és az igazságszolgáltatás alkalmazását kérte s jóllehet ígéretet kapott erre nézve, a gróf nem hallgatott a királyra. A koholt vád annyira valótlannak bizonyult, hogy a gyermek, akiről a gróf azt állította a közvélemény előtt, hogy a zsidók rituális célból meggyilkolták, rövidesen megérkezett szülővárosába s kitűnt, hogy maga a gróf csempészte őt Bécsbe arra az időre, amíg tervét végrehajtja. Éppen ezért a marcheggi zsidók az utolsó pillanatban megmenekültek s nem osztották bazini testvéreik sorsát. A krakkói hitközség «Memor Könyve» felsorolja a mártírok neveit s ezek közt nők és gyermekek is szerepelnek, azonkívül a legtekintélyesebb bazini zsidók, köztük Mózes ben Jákob Kóhen, aki gyermekeivel együtt ment a lángokba. A szörnyű barbárságot, amelyhez hasonló sem azelőtt, sem azután nem sújtott magyar zsidó hitközséget, még azzal tetézték, hogy a maradék zsidóságot kiűzték a városból, ahol már annak megalapítása óta lakott. A kiűzetés után századokon át nem engedték be a zsidókat Bazinba s midőn egy alkalommal, a XVII. század közepén, Pálfy gróf Hirsch Lázár nevű zsidó kereskedőnek menedékhelyet adott saját birtokán, a fanatizált és nemzedékeken át izgatott nép kívánságára kieszközölték I. Lipót királytól a zsidók további kitiltását. Csupán egy századdal később települtek le ismét Bazinba. (l. Vérvád, Nagyszombati vérvád és Tiszaeszlári vérvád.)

Ez a címszó a Magyar Zsidó Lexikonban (1929, szerk. Újvári Péter) található. A felismertetett és korrektúrázott szövegben előfordulnak még hibák, úgyhogy a szócikk pontos szövegének és külalakjának megtekintéséhez nyissa meg a digitalizált oldalképet!Ez a(z) 457. címszó a lexikon => 97. oldalán van. Az itt olvasható változat forrása: Nagy Péter Tibor: Az 1929-es magyar zsidó lexikon adatbázisa. Szociológiai adatbázisok No. 1. WJLF, Budapest, 2013

Reference: Pezinok blood libel [Google translation]

Main article: Blood libel Pezinok. 1529 May 27, the most tragic day in the history of Hungarian Jewry, Bratislava County town of Pezinok market regardless Thirty bonfire fire as many Jews were cremated, age and gender in the artificially contrived and instigated as a result of vérvádrágalom. Francis Wolf, Bratislava and St. George and Pezinok count, indebted to the Jews, devised this blood libel that Jews rid of Pezinok and Marchegg követeléseitől. Isaac Mendel, the Hungarian Jewry prefect appointed by the king on the news of the impending peril protection and the application of justice, he asked King Ferdinand and though this was promised for the count did not listen to the king. The trumped-up accusation proved to be so unreal that the child, whom the count has claimed before the public that the Jews of ritual purpose was murdered shortly came to his hometown and showed that the count himself smuggled him to Vienna for the time until the plan is carried out. That is why the Marchegg Jews were saved at the last minute and did not share the fate of their brethren Pezinok. The Jewish community in Krakow “Memor Book” lists the names of the martyrs and among them women and children are also included, in addition to the prestigious Pezinok Jews, among them was Moses Jacob Kohen, who went with her ​​children to the flames. The terrible barbarity to which similar either before or after the non-affected Hungarian Jewish Communities, has come on top with the remaining Jews were driven out of the city, which has been inhabited since its foundation. After the expulsion of the Jews were not allowed to enter Bazina centuries, and when on one occasion, in the XVII. mid-century, Count Palffy Hirsch Jewish merchant named Lazarus gave shelter in its own grounds, the fanatic and excited people for generations at the request of King Leopold I bargained for further banning of Jews. Only a century later settled in Bazina again. (L. Verve, Trnava and Tiszaeszlár Blood Libel Blood Libel.)

This is the keyword of the Hungarian Jewish Encyclopedia (1929, ed. Peter Újvári) away. The recognized text proofread and made ​​more errors occur, so the exact text of the article to see the appearance and open the digitized page images! This (county) 457 keyword in the lexicon => 97 is back. The source version can be found here: Peter the Great, Tibor: The 1929 Hungarian Jewish encyclopedia database. Sociology database WJLF No. 1, Budapest 2013

The other text is used to increase the efficiency of the search engine, do not read it.


PEZINOK (Slovak Pezinok; Hung. Bazín; Ger. Poesing, Boesing), town in Slovakia (part of Czechoslovakia 1918–1991; since then the Slovak Republic). In 1450 Jews were permitted to live in Pezinok, which was inhabited by Germans and Slovaks. In 1529 Counts Wolfang and George von Pezinok and St. George, who were heavily in debt to Jews, began to imprison local Jews. When the mutilated body of a young boy was found, it was deemed an act of Jewish ritual murder. The imprisoned Jews were tortured in the main square until they confessed to the murder and other crimes. On May 21, 1529, some 30 men, women, and children were burned at the stake. Only children under 10 were pardoned and were converted to Christianity. The pardon granted to the victims by Emperor Ferdinand I reached them late. Jews were prohibited to live in Pezinok or even spend a night. In 1540 the Protestant reformer Andreas *Osiander published a booklet repudiating the Pezinok blood libels and incriminating the count who started it. The booklet was attacked by Johann Eck and repudiated by Martin *Luther.


About richardsh

Messianic Jewish teacher in UK
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3 Responses to 27 May 1529 Blood Libel and Burning to Death of 30 Jews in Bazin, Hungary #otdimjh  

  1. Anonymous says:

    I have translated this book, “The Jews of Bazin,” to English. You can purchase it on Amazon; it was published on August 21, 2023.


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